Sunday, September 2, 2012

Writing To God: Kid's Edition

  1. Rachel G. Hackenberg's "Writing to God: Kid's Edition" is a workbook book crammed with suggestions for praying with a pencil. There are suggestions for praying about our senses, our feelings, nature, and ordinary events in our lives. There suggestions for writing prayers in response to Bible verses and more. Each one would be best used with conversation to set the stage for writing/praying. If I had a grandchild, I'd buy a copy for each of us so we could write and share prayers on selected topics. If I led children's times in worship, I'd buy a copy for ideas. Each suggestion could begin as a conversation about the given topic and be followed by sending children to their seats with papers on which to write their own prayers about the topic. Their prayers could be shared with you at the end of the service, posted at a set space, dropped in the offering plate, or left to the children's privacy. Each of Rachel's suggestions leads to other possibilities. I suspect that you'll catch me trying to build on her ideas in posts for future Sundays.

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